Revere 8 MM Projector Model 9. Owners Manual 1. 94. All Categories. Antiques.
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Revere Model P- 9. Movie Projector. Another lucky find; a beautiful 1. Revere movie projector!
I tore this projector completely apart, replacing all old lubricants and cleaning various parts. I anticipate using this projector to view older 8mm silent films (as may as I can find!).
3m Revere Automatic 500 Film Camera Vintage Original Instruction Manual. Revere P 90 8mm Movie Film Projector. Projector W Case Manual 1947, Revere Eye. Factory INSTRUCTION MANUAL $2.95: Vintage Revere 8 Model. Revere, BEAUTIFUL Vintage 16mm REVERE MOVIE CAMERA. Revere P 90 8MM Movie Projector 900.